Evaluations of Multimedia
(in reverse chronological order, files in PDF format)
- 2019 Teacher-oriented Literature (Budapest MPTL’24 and GIREP, ICPE & EPEC)
- 2014 Quantum Mechanics (Palermo MPTL’19 and GIREP)
- 2013 Sound and Waves (Madrid MPTL’18)
- 2012 Electricity and Magnetism (Istanbul MPTL’17 and WCPE)
- 2011 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (Ljubljana MPTL’16)
- 2010 Mechanics (Reims MPTL’15 and GIREP-ICPE)
- 2009 Optics and waves (Udine MPTL’14)
- 2007 Solid State, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Wroclaw MPTL’12)
- 2006 Electricity and Magnetism (Szeged MPTL’11)
- 2005 Statistical and Thermal Physics (Berlin MPTL’10)
- 2004 Mechanics (Graz MPTL’9)
- 2003 Optics (Prague MPTL’8)
- 2002 Quantum mechanics report and recommendations (Parma MPTL’7)